Who we are.

Here you can find some information about the faces behind B4HP.

Members of the Board.


Martin A. Fellacher, MA DSA

Feldkirch (Austria)

Chair B4HP

  • Martin is the Managing Director of PINA | Praxis and Innovation - New Auhority (Vorarlberg)
  • A Graduate social worker, personnel and competence manager
  • Experienced in working with adolescents, families and people with addictions.
  • Martin has two years of international experience in Papua New Guinea and nine years of refugee work in Vorarlberg (seven of them in senior management)
Peter Jakob quer

Dr. Peter Jakob

East Sussex (England)

Deputy Chair B4HP

Consultant Clinical Psychologist and a systemic family therapist, with a focus on trauma and violence. With over 35 years of professional experience in working with people who have suffered and / or have been mistreated. Peter has been working most recently in England's public health care, now the Director of PartnershipProjects UK.


Mag.a Claudia H. Schedler

Feldkirch (Österreich)

Treasurer B4HP

  • Clinical Psychologist
  • NVR practitioner with PINA
  • Experience in intercultural settings, trauma, youth, gender, disabilities and foster homes
Michael Fried

Michael Fried

Seitenstetten (Austria)

Deputy Treasurer B4HP

  • Co-founder and supporter of B4HP from the beginning
  • Active supporter of the "Willkommen Mensch Seitenstetten" initiative
  • Whenever there is a need to lend a hand, Michael is there.
Petra_Schickinger-19 klein

Petra Schickinger

Amstetten (Austria)

Secretary B4HP

Social pedagogue, NVR practitioner


Since the early 1990s, she has accompanied children and young people and their families in extremely difficult life situations that are challenging for everyone involved. Supporter of B4HP since the very beginning.


Angela Eberding, PhD

Nuenen (The Netherlands)

Deputy Secretary B4HP

Angela Eberding is a pedagogue, systemic family therapist (focus on dealing with multicultural systems), systemic supervisor, dream pedagogue and coach for the new authority according to “Haim Omer”. The topic of the doctoral thesis: "Barriers in the educational counselling of families from Turkey, Drawing on her experience of a one-year stay in Turkey.

At the moment Angela is self-employed as a supervisor in teams of youth welfare, cultivating center‘s and youth teams and groups who look after and accompany fugitives as well as in the training of topics such as "Training as a Coach", "Intercultural Competence" and "Trauma informed social work".  Angela has previously worked part-time in child and youth psychiatry and in various children's clinics as a family therapist.
I want children to be able to live and learn without violence, irrespective of their origin, religious affiliation and their gender.

Program coordination.


Dr. Michaela C. Fried

Seitenstetten (Austria)

Country Program Co-ordinator

Micaela is child- and adolescent psychiatrist, specializing in NVR case management for acute and complex crisis, as well as trauma therapy. She is  contractual partner of the Institut für Neue Autorität in Austria (INA),  assimilating  NVR methodologies as supervisor and coach in schools, foster homes and families in Austria. Michaela is medical director of HPZ Rust, a therapeutic center for indoor treatment of children aged 6 to 16 years and deputy medical director of an outpatient department at PSD Eisenstadt/Burgenland. She has been involved in social projects in Europe and abroad, including voluntary humanitarian work with terminally ill people (UK), war refugees (former Yugolslavia, Macedonia, South Sudan, Gaza ) in mission with several NGOs. She is a graduate of the University of Vienna, and has completed her Post-doctoral fellowship at Thomas Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. Her medical areas of expertise are childpsychiatry and paediatrics.  She is also a certified psychotherapist and trauma therapist and has completed  NVR- basic and advanced training courses in Tel Aviv.

My motto: I would like to bear witness, that above all, it is good to give people in war zones, under siege and fleeing for their lives, a Voice.

Further supporters.

Ben Furman
Haim Omer
Bodo Kirchner
Franz quer
Stefan Ofner
Hans Steinkellner quer
Brigitte Moore quer
Ernst Evelin quer
Timna Brauer